Iván Moratilla Pérez (a), Esther Gallego García (b) y Francisco Javier Moreno Martínez (c)
(a) Asociación de familiares de personas con Alzheimer de Arganda del Rey, Madrid, España
(b) Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Jaén, España
(c) Dept. de Psicología Básica I, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España
(cc) Iván Moratilla.
Humanity and Art make an indissoluble marriage, it is impossible to comprehend one without the other. Even before producing the first musical instrument, humanity already sang; before using a canvas, humans painted on the walls of a cave. Creative manifestations invariably take place in “poverty and wealth”, but also in “sickness and health”. In this article we introduce the reader to the subject of art and dementia, highlighting the creative potential of patients, and including examples of educational programmes that some museums develop for people with this condition.